
Jumat, 30 Maret 2012

Elephant heads to shopping mall after escaping circus

Shoppers in Ireland got a large surprise when a 5,500 pound elephant ran away from her circus and wandered around a parking lot. Drivers called police on Tuesday after seeing the 40-year-old animal - called 'Baby' - wandering between cars parked outside stores …

Digg 29 Mar, 2012

Source: http://digg.com/news/story/elephant_heads_to_shopping_mall_after_escaping_circus?utm_campaign=Feed%3A+http%3A%2F%2Fservices.digg.com%2F2.0%2Fstory.getTopNews%3Ftype%3Drss&utm_medium=feed&utm_source=diggapi
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